Environ - Technology Towards Nature

Projects Completed List

Modelling of flow regime to evaluate intake and outfall locations, orientation of jetty and impact of the bund on the coastal morphology - 2007 ( Adani Power Limited, Mundra, Gujarat )
Additional modelling study for predicting the variations in DO and BOD levels in the Cumbarjua Canal for the proposed increase in effluent discharge at Syngenta, Goa - 2007 ( Terra Firma Environmental Consultants Pvt. ltd., Goa )
Modelling of flow regime to evaluate intake and outfall locations, orientation of jetty, impact of the bund on the coastal morphology and ship navigation and mooring analysis - 2007 ( Adani Power Limited, Mundra, Gujarat )
Oil spill risk analysis and contingency plan for all the operational facilities of BG Exploration and Production India Limited and its associated operations with respect to oil spill in Panna-Mukta Oilfield - 2007 ( BG Exploration and Production India Limited, Mumbai )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for thermal power project of CPCL (RIL) at Kandla, Gujarat - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Reliance Industries Ltd. )
Oil spill risk analysis and contingency plan for proposed SPM of HPCL Visakhapatnam - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa & Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai )
Oil spill risk analysis and contingency plan for liquid cargo jetty at JNPT, Navi Mumbai - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa & Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mumbai )
Carrying out hydrodynamic, sediment transport modeling studies to evaluate due to construction of jetty facilities in the Kakinada Bay - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa & Kakinada Port Trust (KPT), Kakinada )
Oil spill risk assessment study and predicting the shoreline impact due to RIL's SPM operations at Hazira - 2007 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Hazira )
Numerical modeling of flow regime for the proposed pipeline routes, before and after dredging activities at Sikka, in the Gulf of Kutchchh, Jamnagar, Gujarat - 2007 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Refinery Division, Jamnagar )
Modeling of flow regime and sedimentation processes for the proposed dredging - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa & Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar )
Model studies for the dispersion of effluents of ESSAR discharged into the open Salaya waters in Gujarat - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & ESSAR )