Environ - Technology Towards Nature

Projects Completed List

Water Quality Modeling Studies
Modeling Studies For Identifying Suitable Intake And Outfall Locations For 2 X 660 Mw Udangudi Super Critical Thermal Power Plant At Udangudi, Tuticorin District, Tamil Nadu - 2023 ( Coastal Marine Construction & Engineering Limited )
Numerical Modeling Studies For Selection Of Suitable Location For Seawater Intake & Treated Waste Water, Desal Rejects And Return Cooling Water Disposal For Electronic Manufacturing Cluster Of M/S Mstpl At Mundra In Apsez, Gujarat - 2023 ( Kadam Environmental Consultancy )
Modeling Studies For Evaluating The Pre-Defined Intake And Outfall Locations In The Foreshore Of East Coast At Vishakhapatnam For Seawater Aquarium In The Laboratory Of Csir-National Institute Of Oceanography, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 2023 ( CSIR-National Institute Of Oceanography (NIO), Visakhapatnam )
Modeling Studies For Predicting The Bed Morphology For Variable Discharge Of Variable Size Fraction Of Suspended Solids At Outfall Locations And Analysis Of Significance Wave Data & Tidal Currents Along The Intake And Outfall Pipelines In The Coastal Waters Off Bada Coast, Kutch District, Gujarat - 2023 ( GHCL Ltd )
Mathematical Modeling Studies For Evolutions Of Shoreline Changes And Changes In The Water Qualities During The Year 2022 & 2023 Due To Sea Water Intake And Outfall Discharges Of Hnpcl Thermal Power Plant At Vizag, East Coast Of India - 2023 ( HNPCL )
Numerical Modeling Studies For Selection Of Suitable Treated Effluent Disposal Location For Chemical Complex - Soda Ash Effluents Released By Ghcl Ltd. At Coastal Waters Off Sutrapada Coast, Gir Somnath District, Gujarat - 2023 ( Gujarat Heavy Chemical Limited, Sutrapada )
Carrying Out Mathematical Modeling Studies For Selection Of Two Suitable Intake And Outfall Locations For The Proposed Withdrawal Of Sea Water And Reject Water Discharge Of Desalination Plant Into The Kandla Creek System - 2023 ( Kutch Chemical Industries Limited )
Mathematical Modelling Studies To Identify Suitable Outfall System For The Proposed Treated Effluent Discharge From Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (Gidc) Into Coastal Waters Off Dahej, Gulf Of Khambhat - 2022 ( Envision Enviro technologies Pvt Ltd )
Mathematical Modeling Of Water Quality Parameters For Evaluating Suitable Outfall Location For Discharge Of Effluents Generated By Century Rayon, Shahad - 2022 ( Aditya Birla Century Rayon )
Numerical Modeling Studies For Selection Of Suitable Seawater Intake And Treated Effluent Disposal Locations For Greenfield Chemical Complex - Soda Ash Released By Ghcl Ltd. At Coastal Waters Off Bada Coast, Kutch District, Gujarat - 2022 ( GHCL Bada )
Modeling Of Water Quality Parameters For Evaluating Suitable Outfall Location For Treated Wastewater Collected From Existing Cetps At Jetpur And Bhat Gam And From The Proposed Cetp At Manpar Derdi Into Arabian Sea Near Navi Bandar, Porbandar District, Gujarat - 2022 ( En-Vision Enviro Technologies Pvt Ltd (EETPL) )
Modeling Of Water Quality Parameters For Evaluating Suitable Outfall Location For Treated Wastewater Generated By Kutch Chemical Industries Limited Into Kandla Creek, Gulf Of Kutch, Gujarat - 2022 ( Kadam Environmental Consultancy )
Numerical Modeling Studies To Identify Suitable Well Mixed Effluent Location In The Pipeline System For Monitoring The Reject Water Quality Parameters Into The Sea - 2022 ( Kadam Environmental Consultancy )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from NCTL of GIDC into coastal waters off Kantiajal, Gujarat - 2021 ( Aqua -Air Environmental Engineers Pvt Ltd (AAEEPL), Surat , Gujarat )
Modeling of water quality parameters for evaluating suitable outfall location for CETP of M/s MIDC at Thane, Vashi - 2021 ( Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation, Thane )
Carrying out dispersion modeling studies for selection of suitable outfall location in Damanganga Estuary for enhanced treated effluents generated by Vapi Green Environ Limited, Vapi. - 2021 ( Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation, Thane at Mahape )
Modeling studies for selection of suitable outfall location for disposal of treated effluents generated by Adani Hazira Port Private Limited into the Harbor basin at Hazira - 2021 ( Adani Hazira Port Pvt. Ltd, Hazira )
Dispersion Modeling Studies For Selection Of Suitable Effluent Outfall Location For The Proposed Effluent Dicharges In The Ulhas Estuary At Shahad - 2021 ( Grasim Industries Limited, Unit – Century Rayon (GRASIM) )
Mathematical modelling studies for predicting the hydraulic behavior, shoreline changes and dispersion characteristics of outfalls due to the proposed development of Fishing harbor at Sutrapada - 2021 ( GHCL Sutrapada )
Modeling Studies to revalidate of pre-defined location in Savitri Estuary for effluent discharge by MIDC, Mahad - 2021 ( Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation, Mahad )
Modeling of water quality parameters for evaluating suitable seawater intake and outfall locations for desalination plant of M/s Gujarat Water Infrastructure Limited (GWIL)at Mandvi, Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat - 2021 ( Coastal Marine Construction and Engineering Ltd., Mumbai )
Model studies for discharge of treated effluents generated by JSW, Dolvi Steel Plant into Amba estuary - 2020 ( JSW Infrastructure Limited, Mumbai )
Modelling studies for selection of suitable outfall location for disposal of treated effluents generated by BASF chemicals into offshore waters off Mundra, Gulf of Kutch - 2020 ( Kadam Environmental Consultants, Gujarat & BASF )
Modeling studies for selection of suitable outfall location for discharge of treated effluents generated by ATUL Limited into Par estuarine waters, Gujarat - 2020 ( Kadam Environmental Consultants, Gujarat & ATUL Limited )
Water quality modelling studies for deciding some of the Environmental Standards for release of Soda Ash effluents into sea at Sutrapada - GHCL LIMITED, SUTRAPADA, DIST: GIR SOMNATH, GUJARAT, at Bhavnagar - Nimra Limited, Bhavnagar, at Kuranga - RSPL, Kuranga, at Porbandar - SCL, Porbandar, at Mithapur - TCL, Mithapur, Gujarat - 2020 ( Alkali Manufactures Association of India, Delhi )
Design of suitable outfall system for the proposed 15 MLD discharge of treated wastewater into Gulf of Khambhat from CETP of by Khambhat Environ Care Association - 2020 ( Kadam Environmental Consultancy,Vadodara, Gujarat & Khambhat Environ Care Association, Khambhat )
Modeling studies for selection of suitable seawater intake and outfall locations for effluents generated by Shreas Industries Limited, Chittivasala village, Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh - 2020 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Viizag & Shreas Industries Limited, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh )
Modeling of water quality parameters for evaluating suitable intake and outfall locations for desalination plant of M/s Chemplast Industries at Karaikal, Pudducherry, Union Territory of India - 2020 ( Kadam Environmental Consultants, Gujarat & Chemplast Industries, Karaikal, Puducherry )
Modeling of water quality parameters for evaluating suitable outfall location for wastewater generated by M/s Agrocel Industries Private Limited at Ghogha, Bhavnagar district, Gujarat - 2020 ( Kadam Environmental Consultancy,Vadodara, Gujarat & Agrocel Industries Private Limited, Ghogha, Gujarat )
Modelling studies for testing the selected outfall locations with proposed higher soda ash effluents concentration generated by GHCL Ltd at coastal waters off Bada coast, Kutch District, Gujarat - 2020 ( Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Limited (GHCL), Gujarat )
Dispersion modeling studies for discharge of treated effluents into the offshore waters of Dighi, Raigad Dist., Maharashtra by M/s Veritas Polychem Private Limited. - 2019 ( Aditya Environmental Services Pvt Ltd (AESPL), Mumbai )
Modeling studies for predicting the impact on hydrodynamics and water qualities due to proposed construction of jetty and breakwater in the coastal waters off Saukem, Porbandar - 2019 ( Saurastra Chemical Limited (SCL), Porbandar )
Thermal dispersion modeling studies for existing units in reference of 800 MW Supercritical Power Plant at Ukai Thermal Power Plant at Village Vagda, Tehsil–fort Songadh, Dist-Tapi, Gujarat - 2019 ( Mantech consultants Pvt Ltd, Delhi )
Design of suitable outfall system for the proposed treated effluent discharge from Grasim Industries Limited - Grasim Cellulosic Division (GIL-GCD) into coastal waters off Dahej, Gulf of Khambhat - 2019 ( Kadam Environmental Consultants, Gujarat & Grasim Industries Limited (GIL) )
Modeling of water quality parameters for evaluating suitable seawater intake and outfall locations for desalination plant of M/s Electrotherm India Ltd and M/s Gallantt Metal Limited at Samakhiyali, Bhachau, Kutch District, Gujarat - 2019 ( JM Environet Pvt. Ltd., Navi Mumbai )
Dispersion modeling studies for discharge of treated effluents into the Maleshree Creek at Ghoga - 2019 ( En-Vision Enviro Technologies Pvt Ltd (EETPL), Surat )
Modeling studies for selection of suitable outfall locations for disposal of treated effluents generated by Nirma Industries into offshore waters, Gulf of Khambhat - 2019 ( Nirma Ltd., Bhavnagar )
Modelling studies for change in flow regime, sedimentation and water quality for the proposed laying of sub-sea pipelines from Mumbai Refinery to Rasayani, Thane Creek, Maharashtra - 2019 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Model studies for discharge of treated effluents generated by JSW Dolvi Steel Plant into Amba Estuary - 2019 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & JSW )
Design of suitable outfall system for the proposed treated effluent discharge from Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL) into coastal waters off Dahej, Gulf of Khambhat - 2019 ( Kadam Environmental Consultants, Gujarat & GFL )
1. Modeling studies for disposal of effluent (return cooling water from power plant) in the offshore waters through open channel at Bhavnagar, Gulf of Khambhat 2. Modelling studies for disposal of effluent into the Malcolm channel through pipeline at Bhavnagar, Gulf of Khambhat - 2018 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Nirma Ltd )
Model studies for discharge of soda ash effluent generated by GHCL into the open waters of Arabian Sea - 2018 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Limited (GHCL), Gujarat )
Dispersion modelling studies for discharge of treated effluent into the coastal waters of Bay of Bengal at Kollayyavalasa by SMS Pharmaceuticals Limited - 2018 ( Aditya Environmental Services Pvt Ltd (AESPL) )
Dispersion modeling studies for selection of suitable effluent outfall location for the proposed effluent discharges of Lantech Pharma, Andhra Organics and Aurobindo Pharma Ltd,in the East Coast of India - 2018 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Visakhapatnam )
Modeling studies for release of effluent discharge into coastal waters off Hazira - 2018 ( Roots EHS Advisory, Ahmedabad )
Design of suitable outfall location in the Arabian Sea for 12.5 MLD, 15 MLD and 25 MLD discharges of treated waste water generated from CETP of M/s Sarigam Clean Initiative - 2018 ( Kadam Environmental Consultants, Gujarat & Sarigam Clean Initiative )
Modeling studies for changes in the water qualities due to the proposed intake and outfall discharge of M/s Nayara Energy Ltd at Salaya, Gulf of Kutch - 2018 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling of water quality parameters for evaluating proposed locations for seawater intake and outfall discharge of desalination plant rejects for M/s Grasim Industries Limited, Unit - Indian Rayon, Veraval - 2018 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for proposed marine outfall system into offshore of Ponnada for disposal of treated effluents from industries located within Kakinada SEZ Industrial Park at Mulapeta, Ponnada and Ramanakkapeta Villages, U. Kothapalli Mandal, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh - 2018 ( Kakinada SEZ Limited )
Model studies for discharge of soda ash effluent generated by GHCL into the open waters of Gulf Kutch at Bada. - 2018 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modelling studies for discharge of effluent generated by Tuticorin thermal power station into the open waters of Gulf of Mannar - 2018 ( Eco Chem Sales and Services, Surat, Gujarat )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge of Cairn India Limited into coastal waters off Suvali, Gujarat - 2017 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa & CAIRN )
Hydrodynamic and salinity modeling studies at Malleswaram, Mori and Kesanapalli, Andhra Pradesh - 2017 ( Alphamers, Bangalore & Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Mumbai )
Modeling studies for release of TJ Marine Products Pvt. Ltd (TJMPPL) effluent discharge into coastal waters off Ratnagiri - 2017 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & TJMPPL )
H-Energy Gateway Pvt Ltd (HEGPL), LNG Re-Gasification Terminal at Jaigad Port in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra State, India - 2017 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Mathematical modeling studies for predicting the shoreline changes due to the forebay piers and changes in the water qualities due to the intake and outfall discharges of HNPCL thermal power plant at Vizag, East Coast of India - 2017 ( Vimta Labs, Hyderabad & HNPCL )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge of NCTL of GIDC Jhagadia into coastal waters off Kantiajal, Gujarat - 2017 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Narmada Clean Tech Ltd (NCTL) )
Modeling studies for changes in the water qualities due to the proposed intake and outfall discharge of ESSAR at Salaya, Gulf of Kutch - 2017 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & ESSAR Power Ltd (EPL) )
Modeling studies for changes in the water qualities due to the proposed intake and outfall discharges of Sintex Industries Power Limited at Lunsapur Village, Jafarabad Taluka, Amreli District, Gujarat - 2017 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Numerical modeling studies for the hydrodynamic behavior, ship navigation simulation studies and oil spill contingency management plan due to the proposed LNG Terminal at Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India - 2017 ( Vimta Labs, Hyderabad )
Modeling studies for expansion of seawater intake facilities of Saurashtra Chemicals Ltd at Porbandar - 2016 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & SCL, Porbandar )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from NCTL of GIDC into coastal waters off Kantiajal, Gujarat - 2016 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Narmada Clean Tech. Ltd., Gujarat )
Modelling studies for release of MIDC effluent discharge into coastal water off Tarapur - 2016 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Report on mathematical / Hydraulic modelling / water quality modelling studies for proposed intake and outfall discharge system for LNG/LPG processing facilities and dredge disposal studies at Dhamra Port, Dhamra - 2016 ( Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited (APSEZL), Dhamra )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from CETP of GIDC into Damanganga estuarine waters, Vapi, Maharashtra - 2016 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Vapi Waste and Effluent Management Company Limited (VWEMCL), Gujarat )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from NCTL of GIDC into coastal waters off Kantiajal, Gujarat - 2016 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for the disposal of plant effluents from the proposed port based multiproduct SEZ into the offshore waters off Kandla in The Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat - 2015 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
TRIMEX ORES Private Limited, beach sand mining processes near Kalingapatnam coastal region in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh - 2015 ( Trimex Ores Pvt. Ltd., Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh )
Modeling studies for release of TCL effluent discharge into coastal waters off Mithapur Bay, Gulf of Kutch - 2015 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for discharge of Atul Industrial effluents into Par River estuarine waters - 2015 ( En-Vision Enviro Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Surat )
Modeling studies for disposal of effluent (return cooling water from power plant) in the offshore waters through open channel at Mundra, Gulf of Kutch. - 2015 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from CETP of MIDC into Patalganga estuarine waters, Maharashtra - 2015 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from CETP of MIDC into estuarine waters, Taloja, Maharashtra - 2015 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Hydrological study of river discharge of coal bed methane produced water - 2015 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Mumbai )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from CEPT of MIDC into Vashisti Estuarine Waters, Chiplun, Maharashtra - 2015 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
GSPC LNG Ltd (GLL), LNG Re-Gasification Terminal at Mundra in Gujarat State, India. - 2014 ( Toyo Engineering India Ltd. (TEIL), Mumbai )
Modeling studies for combined discharge of MIDC industrial and domestic effluents from Ambernath-Ulhas Nagar into Ulhas River Estuarine Waters - 2014 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modelling studies for effluent discharge from CETP of MIDC into Kundalika Esturay, Raigad, Maharashtra - 2014 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
GSPC LNG Ltd (GLL), LNG Re-Gasification terminal at Mundra in Gujarat State, India - 2014 ( Toyo Engineering India Ltd. (TEIL), Mumbai )
Modeling studies for disposal of effluent (return cooling water from power plant) in the offshore waters through open channel at Mundra, Gulf of Kutch - 2014 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for evaluating seawater intake and outfall discharge locations for the proposed plant of RSPL near village Kuranga, Jamnagar District, Gujarat - 2013 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Rohit Surfactants Private Limited (RSPL), Gujarat )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge at existing outfall point and for evaluating proposed locations for seawater intake and outfall for discharge fo desalination plant rejects for the Indian Rayon Plant at Veraval - 2013 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Indian Rayon Limited, Gujarat )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from CETP of MIDC into Savitri Estuarine Waters, Raigad, Maharashtra - 2013 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC), Raigad )
Modeling studies for seawater intake and disposal of rejects for the proposed 7 MLD desalination plant at Tuna, Gulf of Kutch for Adani Kandla Bulk Terminal Private Limited - 2013 ( Adani Kandla Bulk Terminal Private Limited, Tuna )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from CETP of MIDC into Savitri Estuarine Waters, Raigad, Maharashtra - 2013 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for effluent discharge from Balakrishna Paper Mills Limited Plant into Ulhas River Estuarine Waters - 2013 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
1. Model studies for changes in the flow regime as well as erosion / accretion patterns in the surrounding areas due to proposed extension of the Salt Jetty at Jakhau. 2. Mathematical modelling for simulation of trajectory, fate and weathering characteristics of oil spills and dispersion of salt cargo spills in the coastal waters off Jakhau - 2013 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Model study for release of treated effluent generated from Alok Industries in coastal waters off Kolak Estuary - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modelling studies for release of coolant effluent of Videocon Power Plant into coastal water off Pipavav Gulf of Khambhat. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai, Videocon Industries Ltd. (VI & Pipavav Energy Private Ltd (PEPL), Gujarat )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for 2 X 250 MW thermal power project of BECL near village Padva in Morchand Bhavnagar District, Gujarat. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Bhavnagar Energy Company Limited (BECL) )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed 1320 MW thermal power project at Lunsapur Village, Jafrabad Taluka, Amreli District, Gujarat - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Patel Energy Limited (PEL) )
Modelling studies for disposal of ECPL's treated effluents into Mahi Estuary. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & ECPL )
Modelling studies for release of plant effluent and bittern of Nirma Chemical Works into coastal water of Gulf of Khambhat. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Nirma Chemical Complex )
Model studies for release of treated effluents generated from M/s Lenzing Modi into Patalaganga Estuary - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Lenzing Modi Fibres India Limited (LMI) )
Modelling studies for effluents discharge from CETP of MIDC into Savitri Estuary, Raigad, Maharastra. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai , Central Effluent Treatment & Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation(MIDC) )
Modelling studies for disposal of treated effluents into Mahi Estuary , Gulf of Khambhat. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modelling studies for treated sewage discharge of Surat Municipal Corporation into coastal water off Tapi , Gulf of Khambhat. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC), Surat )
Modelling studies for release of MIDC effluent discharge into coastal waters off Tarapur. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation(MIDC) )
Modeling for sea water intake and outfall of combined discharge from effluent treatment plant and desalination plant of Multi-Cargo Port, AHPPL, Hazira - 2012 ( Adani Hazira port Pvt. Ltd., Hazira )
Mathematical modeling for simulation of trajectory, fate and weathering characteristics of oil spills and pesticide spills in the coastal waters off Mumbai / Dahanu - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & ICMAM, Chennai )
Mathematical modeling for simulation of trajectory, fate and weathering characteristics of oil spill and pesticide dispersion in the coastal waters of Thane - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) )
Numerical modelling studies for predicting the impacts on the flow regime, morphology and on water quality due to the proposed increase in the outfall discharge, Nagothane Manufacturing Division, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) - 2012 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Nagothane Manufacturing Division, Mumbai )
Modeling studies for treated sewage discharge of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) into coastal waters off Mindola, Gulf of Khambhat - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed 1320 MW thermal power project at Lunsapur Village, Jafrabad Taluka, Amreli District, Gujarat - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Patel Energy Limited (PEL) )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed 1720 MW thermal power project of Sintex Power Limited at Lunsapur Village, Jafarabad Taluka, Amreli District, Gujarat - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Sintex Power Limited (SPL), Gujarat )
Modelling studies for intake and outfall of sea water in the coastal water off Dighi - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Modelling studies for plant effluent discharges into waters off Kolak Estuary near Daman - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Wel Treat Enviro Management Organization (WEMO), Vapi, Gujrat )
Modelling studies for plant effluent discharges into Tapi river estuarine waters, Gulf of Khambhat. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & KRIBHCO, Gujarat )
Modelling studies for effluents discahrge from GACL into the coastal water off Dahej. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & GACL )
Model studies for fresh water intake and intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed Thermal Power Project of Mahagenco - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Mahagenco, Maharashtra )
Modeling studies for the disposal of plant effluents from the proposed port based multiproduct SEZ into the offshore waters off Kandla in the Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat. - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Kandla Port Trust (KPT), Vadinar )
Model studies for the effluent discharge dispersion and resultant change in the morphology (sedimentation processes) in the Gulf of Khambhat for the outfall discharge from GHCL plant at Veraval - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Limited (GHCL), Gujarat )
Water quality modelling studies for proposed marine outfall in northern Gulf of Khambhat - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Model studies for intake and dispoal of coolant seawater for proposed 3x 840 MW Thermal Power Project of TPGL at Rampara-II Village,Rajula, Amreli District,Gujarat - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & TPGL )
Modelling studies for intake and outfall of sea water in the coastal water off Dighi - 2012 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Numerical modeling studies for predicting the impact on the flow regime and morphology due to the proposed marine infrastructure facilities at the existing Reliance Jetty , Jageshwar, Dahej, Gujarat - 2012 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar )
Modeling studies for seawater intake and disposal of rejects as well as for sedimentation processes for the proposed 336 MLD desalination plant at Dahej, Gulf of Khambhat - 2012 ( Multimedia consultants Pvt. Limited, Ahmedabad & HYFLUX )
Numerical modeling studies for predicting the impacts on the shore line and morphology due to proposed marine infrastructure activities at Sikka, Gulf of Kutch and validating the changes / impacts with respect to CRZ Regulations 2011 - 2012 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Mumbai )
Coastal Energen Private Limited, 2 X 800 MW thermal power plant at Melamaruthur village of Tuticorin District, Tamilnadu - 2011 ( Coastal Energen Pvt. Ltd. (Energen), Chennai )
Modelling studies for effluent discharge from CETP of MIDC into Kundalika Esturay, Raigad, Maharashtra - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation(MIDC) )
Modeling of outfall discharge from M/s Niko Resources into coastal waters off Hazira, Gulf of Khambhat - 2011 ( Adani Hazira Port Pvt. Ltd., Hazira )
Report on coal dispersion modeling studies at Vishakhapatnam, Adani Vizag Coal Terminal Private Limited, Vizag - 2011 ( Adani Vizag Coal Terminal Private Limited (AVCTPL), Vizag )
Modeling studies for flow and sedimentation due to intake water through open channel or through pipeline system for Adani Power Dahej Limited, 4 X 660 MW mega thermal power project in Dahej, Westcoast of India, Gujarat - 2011 ( Adani Power Dahej Limited, Gujarat )
Marine EIA for enhanced release of treated effluent from CETP of BEAIL into coastal waters off Kantiajal, Gulf of Khambhat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & BEAIL )
Marine EIA for release of treated effluent in coastal waters off Daman, Gulf of Khambhat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Vapi Waste Water and effluent Management Company Limited (VWEMCL). )
Marine EIA for release of treated effluent from COT of HPCL into coastal waters off Mundra, Gulf of Kutch - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai )
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited 6000 MW (6x1000 MW) nuclear power plant at Kundankulam, Tirunelveli District, Tamilnadu - 2011 ( AlphaMERS P Ltd., Bangalore & Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for a proposed gas based 7200mw power plant at Jambhusar, Bharuch Dist, Gujarat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Reliance Industries Ltd. )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed 1320 MW thermal power project at Lunsapur Village, Jafrabad Taluka, Amreli District, Gujarat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Patel Energy Limited (PEL) )
Modeling studies for release of TCL effluent discharge into coastal waters off Dwarka-Okha segment - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL), Mithapur )
Model studies for effluent discharge (high dissolved zinc) into Kim Estuary, Khambhat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Birla Cellulosic )
Marine EIA for release of treated effluent from CETP of GIDC Jagadia into coastal waters off Kantiajal, Gulf of Khambhat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & GIDC Jagadia )
Marine EIA for release of treated effluent from Khemani Distilleries into coastal Waters off Daman, Gulf of Khambhat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Khemani Distillery Limited )
Model studies for seawater intake and effluent release from the proposed 3200 MW power plant by Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited at Sarakhadi, Taluka Kodinar, Dist Junagadh of Gujarat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & GSECL )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed 1720 MW thermal power project at Lunsapur Village, Jafarabad Taluka Amreli District, Gujarat - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Numerical modelling studies for predicting the impacts on the flow regime and morphology due to the proposed marine infrastructure activities at Narmada Estuary, Dahej - 2011 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar )
Dispersion modelling for marine outfall of 2 X 660 MW power project at coal based thermal power plant at villages Kaj/Nanavada, Kodinar Taluk, Junagarh Distt., in Gujarat - 2011 ( Shapoorji Pallonji Energy (Gujarat) Pvt. Ltd. (SPEGPL) )
Modeling studies for release of TCL effluent discharge into coastal waters off Mithapur Bay, Gulf of Kutch - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL), Mithapur )
Modelling studies for sea water intake and coolent water discharge of power plant into coastal waters off Sarakhadi near Diu - 2011 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Mathematical modelling study for dilution / dispersion of the proposed increased quantity of treated effluent discharge into the Bhukhi Creek, Bharuch District, Gujarat - 2011 ( Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company Limited (GNFC), Narmadanagar. )
Trimax Heavy Minerals Private Limited, beach sand mining processes near Bhanpadu coastal region in Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh - 2011 ( Trimex Heavy Minerals Pvt. Ltd., Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh )
Numerical modelling studies for outfall discharges from M/s Reliance Industries Limited into coastal waters of Tapi Estuary, Hazira - 2011 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Tapi )
Adani Power Dahej Limited, 4 X 660 MW mega thermal power project in Dahej, Westcoast of India, Gujarat - 2010 ( Adani Power Dahej Limited, Ahmedabad )
Coastal Energen Private Limited, 2 X 600 MW thermal power plant at Melamaruthur village of Tuticorin District, Tamilnadu - 2010 ( Coastal Energen Pvt. Ltd. (Energen), Chennai )
Kutch Power Generation Limited, 5 X 660 MW coal based thermal power project at village Bhadreswar , Mundra Taluka, Kutch Dist, Gujarat. - 2010 ( Kutch Power Generation Limited , Ahmedabad )
Modelling of intake and outfall discharges of common effluent treatment plant and desalination plant of Mundra SEZ (MPSEZL) - 2009 ( Mundra Port & Special Economic Zone Limited (MPSEZL), Mundra )
Model studies for disposal of effluents from thermal power project of RPL (BSES) - 2009 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Reliance Power Limited )
Report on mathematical modelling for solute transport through utilization of treated effluent from proposed common effluent treatment plant - 2009 ( MPSEZ Utilities Pvt. Ltd., Mundra. )
Modeling study for the proposed intake and outfall quantities of Energen's Thermal Power Plant and desalination plant at Tuticorin, Tamilnadu - 2009 ( Coastal Energen Pvt. Ltd. (Energen), Chennai )
Report on dispersion modeling studies of Reliance Industries Limited, Gadimoga - 2009 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Kakinada )
Model studies for accidental spills of urea and its dispersion at KRIBHCO jetty near Magdalla Port for KRIBHCO, Bharuch. - 2009 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & KRIBHCO, Gujarat )
Mathematical modelling study for dilution / dispersion of proposed outfall discharges into the Baleshwar Khadi adjacent to proposed CETP site at Block No 301, Village Baleshwar, Palsana, Surat - 2009 ( New Palsana Industrial Co. Op. Society Ltd., Surat, Gujarat )
Coastal Gujarat Power Limited, 4000 MW Ultra Mega Power Project at Mundra, Gujarat - 2009 ( TCE Consulting Engineers Limited, Bangalore & Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd., Gujarat )
GSPC Pipavav Power Corporation, 3 X 350 MW power project at Kovaya, South of L & T Jetty at Pipavav, Gujarat - 2009 ( TCE Consulting Engineers Limited, Bangalore & GSPC Pipavav Power Corporation )
Mathematical modelling for dilution / dispersion of proposed CETP effluent discharges in Bait Al Barka - 2009 ( CETP, Bait Al Barka )
Modelling of outfall discharges of the proposed power plant in Kotdi Creek-II at Mundra, Gulf of Kutch - 2008 ( Adani Power Limited, Gujarat )
Modelling of intake and outfall discharges for expansion of APPL Thermal Power Plant at Mundra, Gulf of Kutch - 2008 ( Mundra Port & SEZ, Mundra )
Adani Power Limited, 4620 MW Ultra mega power project of phase I, II & III at Mundra, Gujarat - 2008 ( Adani Power Limited, Gujarat )
Modelling of outfall discharges of reverse osmosis water treatment plant at Bhogat, Gujarat - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa & Cairn Energy India Pvt. Ltd. (CEIL) )
Modelling study for predicting the variations in water quality parameters in the canal for the proposed effluent discharge at GETP - 2008 ( Detox Corporation Pvt. Ltd, Surat )
Intake and outfall dispersion modeling studies for Adani - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & ADANI , Gujarat )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for Nirma cement - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Nirma Limited )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed thermal power project of Visa Power Limited at Pipava, Gujarat - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Visa Power Limited, Gujarat )
Model studies for prediction of silt dispersion and sedimentation due to discharge of effluent from TCL plant in the region of Mithapur - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL), Mithapur )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater from ESSAR Power Plant into the waters off Salaya - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & ESSAR )
Model studies for effluent disposal at select locations in Sabarmati River, at Chandogarh. - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai )
Mathematical modelling for dilution / dispersion of treated waste water from proposed common effluent treatment plant in Old Mundra Port Creek, Mundra, Gulf of Kutch - 2008 ( Mundra Port & Special Economic Zone Limited (MPSEZL), Mundra )
Model studies for prediction of temperature dispersion due to discharge of effluent from TCL into the waters off Mithapur - 2008 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL), Mithapur )
Revised modelling study of intake and outfall discharges of coastal Energen Private Limited thermal power plant and desalination plant at Tuticorin - 2008 ( Coastal Energen Pvt. Ltd. (Energen), Chennai )
Modelling of flow regime to evaluate intake and outfall locations, orientation of jetty and impact of the bund on the coastal morphology - 2007 ( Adani Power Limited, Mundra, Gujarat )
Additional modelling study for predicting the variations in DO and BOD levels in the Cumbarjua Canal for the proposed increase in effluent discharge at Syngenta, Goa - 2007 ( Terra Firma Environmental Consultants Pvt. ltd., Goa )
Modelling of flow regime to evaluate intake and outfall locations, orientation of jetty, impact of the bund on the coastal morphology and ship navigation and mooring analysis - 2007 ( Adani Power Limited, Mundra, Gujarat )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for thermal power project of CPCL (RIL) at Kandla, Gujarat - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Reliance Industries Ltd. )
Model studies for the dispersion of effluents of ESSAR discharged into the open Salaya waters in Gujarat - 2007 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & ESSAR )
Modelling of flow regime to evaluate intake and outfall locations, orientation of jetty, Impact of the bund on the coastal morphology and ship navigation and mooring analysis - 2006 ( Adani Power Limited, Mundra, Gujarat )
Model studies for intake and disposal of coolant seawater for proposed thermal power project of CGPCL, Gujarat - 2006 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Coastal Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd., Gujarat )
Prediction of salinity and temperature variations due to proposed thermal water discharge from ESSAR Power Plant into the waters of Gulf of Khambhat, at Tapi. - 2006 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Essar Power Plant, Gujarat )
Prediction of salinity and temperature variations due to thermal water discharge from power plant into the waters of river Hazira, at Hazira. - 2006 ( Reliance Industries Ltd., Mumbai )
Modelling for predicting the water quality parameters and carrying capacity for the proposed effluent discharge at Ravva Platform, Eastcoast of India - 2006 ( Vimta Labs Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad )
Evaluating the stability of the intake channel proposed for cooling water supply to the power plant due to the outfall discharges of return cooling water at Mundra, Gulf of Khambhat. - 2006 ( Adani Power Limited, Gujarat )
Additional modelling study for predicting the variations in DO and BOD levels in the Cumbarjua Canal for the proposed increase in effluent discharge at Syngenta, Goa - 2006 ( Terra Firma Environmental Consultants Pvt. ltd., Goa )
Evaluation of dispersion coefficients using dye dispersion studies in the Cumbarjua Canal at the proposed effluent discharge at Sygenta, Goa - 2005 ( Terra Firma Pvt. Ltd., Goa )
Modelling for predicting the water quality parameters and carrying capacity of Cumbarjua Canal for the proposed effluent discharge at Sygenta, Goa - 2005 ( Terra Firma Pvt. Ltd., Goa )
Modelling for predicting the water quality parameters and carrying capacity of Cumbarjua Canal for the proposed effluent discharge at Sygenta, Goa - 2004 ( Terra Firma Pvt. Ltd., Goa )
Mathematical modeling for predicting the dispersion of CIDCO effluent discharge into the open waters of Thane Creek - 2002 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & CIDCO, Mumbai )
Model studies for the dispersion of treated sewage effluent of Surat Municipal Corporation discharged into the waters of Tapi Estuary in Gulf of Khambhat - 2001 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Regional Center, Mumbai & Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat )
Marine environment management strategies for the Gulf of Kutch - 1999 ( CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa & Forest and Environment department, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar )